M.S. Course Descriptions
Core Courses
RTM 600: Research Methodology in Human Environmental Sciences (3)
Students will study scientific techniques and accepted research methodologies in human environmental science research. Emphasis is placed on understanding the research process and developing the skills necessary to evaluate and implement research methods and design procedures. Prereq: Graduate standing.
RTM 650: Survey of Current Theories & Literature (3)
An intensive survey of the theoretical and empirical literature related to areas of merchandising, apparel and textiles and to hospitality management and tourism. Emphasis will be placed on research literature and theory building. Prereq: Graduate standing.
RTM 772: Seminar in Retailing & Tourism Management (3)
Current investigation of topics relevant to both retailing and tourism management. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours.
STA 569: Applied Statistical Methods (4)
This course is an introduction to research statistics. Topics include exploratory data analysis, random variables (binomial and normal distributions), estimation of proportions and means, correlation, regression, chi-squared tests and ANOVA. Examples will be consistently drawn from biomedical or professional applications with analysis illustrated in software common to data analysis (SPSS and Excel). Prereq: MA 109 or equivalent. For graduate students; undergraduates must have consent of instructor.
Thesis & Non-Thesis Requirements
RTM 690: Industry Experience in Retailing & Tourism Management (3)
Supervised industry experience with a cooperative establishment in the student’s formal option of study. Students will complete a 400-hour, 10-week learning experience under the joint supervision of a faculty member supervisor and a qualified industry professional. Prereq: Graduate student standing. Approval of department and student’s plan of work committee.
Hospitality Management & Tourism Support Selections
HMT 560: Advanced Seminar in Lodging and Tourism (3)
This course is a review and application of the principles of hospitality (specifically lodging) and tourism learned in pre-requisite courses. Theory and principles will be applied to decision-making in the hospitality and tourism industry while emphasizing features and characteristics of the industry. Current issues of relevance pertaining to the industry will be discussed to highlight their importance to the industry.
HMT 570: Event Planning & Coordination (3)
This course will provide the theoretical and practical foundations for effective 21st century event management. Students will learn how to research, design, plan, coordinate and evaluate professional events. Specifically, this course deals with the horse industry activities in the state of Kentucky. Prereq: HMT 120, HMT 308 and HMT 210 or consent of instructor.
HMT 580: Trends & Analysis for the Hospitality Industry (3)
The course is designed to acquaint the student with the major trends occurring in the hospitality industry and to develop analytical skills required to interpret them. Throughout the course, the student should be able to identify trends, their timing, the causal effects they have on organizations, the actual probability of their occurrence and impact they will have on the organization.
HMT 588: Strategic Management in the Hospitality & Food Service Industry (3)
A course requiring students to use integrative skills to evaluate theories and applications regarding decision making, strategic planning and management concepts specific to hospitality and food service organizations.
Merchandising, Apparel & Textiles Support Selections
MAT 514: Retail Entrepreneurship (3)
Concepts of entrepreneurship within single ownership and other business organizations, development of a business plan, management of a small business, current issues and problems.
MAT 533: History of Costume (3)
Development of costume from ancient to modern times with consideration of historic, social and economic setting. Field trips.
MAT 547: Social & Psychological Aspects of Apparel (3)
An advanced study of the social, psychological factors which influence apparel and apparel use with particular emphasis on research.
MAT 570: Electronic Retailing (E-Tailing) (3)
An educational foundation in e-tail development as a medium for food, apparel and textile distribution and sales.
MAT 572: International Merchandising (3)
A study of the internationalization of retail merchandising and factors that influence the process in the global marketplace.